experience results
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experience results
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Our decades of experience allow us to dive into a new situation and provide quick results. 

Media placement opportunities vary according to the nature of each product, and we can target to consumers and to professional markets.
 Sample of Press Contacts and Past Media Placements

Los Angeles Times, New York Post, Investors Business Daily, CBS News, Good Morning America, and More!

Television News Broadcasts and Radio Talk Shows
ABC (Good Morning America), CBS (The Early Show), Fox News, On Air with Ryan Seacrest (Morning Radio Show) & other National Broadcasts.

USA Today, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, NY Post, Washington Post, The Miami Herald, Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, San Jose Mercury News, Dallas Morning News.

Special Interest Publications
Parents, Parenting, Child, American Baby, Fit Pregnancy, Baby Talk, Working Mother.

Electronic Publishing
News-based Websites,  Blogs, Eblasts, etc.

Trade Publications in Various Industries, Industry Newsletters, Appearances

Satisfaction—We’re not happy, if you’re not happy. We make every effort to secure and deliver prominent media placements, and our success record speaks for itself. Additionally, we work to ensure that your messages are consistent throughout your marketing efforts and provide insight into how to use media exposure to grow your bottom-line.


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- what we do - core values - experience results - why PR?
getting started - contact us

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