what we do

who we are
what we do
core values
experience results
why PR?
getting started
contact us

At FredricPR we know the markets we serve. Our ability to cultivate and maintain relationships with the people that make things happen distinguishes us from the others.

What makes us different? In short: insight, motivation and approach.
The agency utilizes its strong understanding of media culture to deliver exactly what journalists and clients want. With years of experience as PR pros and as journalists, Frederic fully understands the culture and approach reaching out to editors and producers with materials they want.

Media Relations:
Our media relation services include article placement, broadcast placement, ghost-writing, press release generation and distribution, forecasting, and editorial planning.

Crisis Management:
Our crisis management skills include assessment strategizing, article placement, executive coaching for responses, and interfacing with legal advisors.

Online Lead Generation and Management:
Our online services include web concept development, hosting, email marketing, eblasts, blogs, message boards, social networking, search engine optimization, and direct lead generating activities.

Creative Services:
Our creative services include publications, newsletters, speech writing, editorial planning, powerpoint presentations, pitch development, and company messaging development.

Executive Coaching:
Our executive coaching skills include training for both print and broadcast interviews, image development, public speaking, external conferences and presentations, and internal meetings.

Event Management:
Our event management skills include general event management, vendor relations, event specific promotions, press conferences, press promotions, article and broadcast placement, press release writing plus distribution, and calendar placements.

We are dedicated to providing a remarkable return on your investment in us!


who we are
- what we do - core values - experience results - why PR?
getting started - contact us

© 2012 fredricPR (a division of fredric media)